I absolutely adore family shoots, babies and children change so much and so quickly it’s absolutely worth capturing every little detail as often as you can. Sarah and Cassie had booked me to shoot their wedding and after they welcomed their son, Oakley into the world we planned in a family shoot too! With a newborn shoot I would always suggest we do at least some of it at home, then we can do some outfit changes and they can also have a feed and get comfortable. Sarah and Cassie wanted to involve their beautiful Dalmatian, Blue in the shoot too, and if you know anything about me you know I love dogs so of course I couldn’t wait! We decided to go for a walk in a local field they visit a lot and this was a great opportunity to burn some of Blue’s energy off as they threw the ball for him, I’m all about making family shoots fun for all the family and that includes the dogs! Sarah and Cassie got Oakley bundled up in his warmest clothes against the cool winter breeze and we got some beautiful photographs of them giving him cuddles and walking along with him. After this short walk we went back to Sarah and Cassie’s house to drop off Blue and get some doorstep photographs of them in front of their beautiful countryside house. Cassie mentioned that they really wanted to have some taken back in 2020 but they never got round to it so I thought this was a really nice thing to do during their family shoot. We then made our way to what is probably one of the best hidden gems I’ve come across on a shoot, a waterfall, I didn’t know we had these in Shropshire!
We then made our way back to their house so we could all warm up and get some photographs of Oakley relaxing in his room. Whenever I do a newborn shoot I always make sure I photograph their bedroom too, their room will change as they grow up and I think it’s lovely to get some professional images capturing exactly how it is right now. We got some lovely photographs of Oakley lying on his play mat, with Blue featuring every now and then too! And we finished the shoot with Oakley having cuddles on the sofa from his mums and Blue. Sarah and Cassie don’t share Oakley’s face online very often so I’ve put together a select few images for this blog post to give you a glimpse of this lovely shoot but also keeping Oakley offline 🙂 I’m so excited for Sarah and Cassie’s wedding next week! It will be so lovely to see them all again and I can’t wait to see how much Oakley will have grown!
