Creative Photography for Small Shropshire Businesses

Personal branding shoots are a great way of capturing the essence of your business. They will make you stand out from other businesses and give your business a really consistent, polished look. Your website and your social media are your shop front, this is where most people are going to look before they decide whether or not to buy from you. It is so important to show off your product and YOU in the best way you can. People love buying from small businesses because they are buying from people, showing your face can feel uncomfortable, but I promise it will make your audience and your customers feel much more connected with you. I’ve been shooting for almost 10 years now and I always make sure my shoots feel relaxed and that we have fun, running a business should be enjoyable after all! And I will ensure you go away with some really amazing images to show off what you do.

I believe small businesses are absolutely magic. You are one person or a very small team of people and you're wearing all the hats, you're the director, CEO, marketing director, accountant, admin etc. Take one thing off your plate by having a personal branding shoot and getting some imagery that will really take your business to the next level and will ensure you never run out of content for social media again.

I blog and post on Instagram and generally rave about every single business I shoot so not only will you be getting some beautiful imagery but you get your own personal cheerleader too!

Photographs of your business should capture your personality. They should also capture you, doing your thing and help you reach your audience. Booking a shoot with me ensures that we will build a real range of brand imagery that you can use time and time again. I find most businesses will update their images once a year and they find that a small business shoot is a real investment every single time.

Shropshire Business Photography

If you would like some beautiful photographs of your business, get in touch and tell me all about yourself and your business and where you would like your shoot and I'll pop over a brochure.

Business shoots start from £100

How to Book

frequently asked questions

I accept payment via bank transfer or cheque. Most people choose to pay by bank transfer as this is quickest!

Once you get in touch, I'll pop over my brochure so you can choose the package that works best for you. Then we'll agree on a date, time and location for your shoot. After your shoot I'll be in touch within two weeks with your online gallery and you'll be welcome to use your images wherever you like! I always ask you to tag me in the images if you can, if I'm tagged I always give them a share on social media. I will blog your shoot and generally shout about your amazing business too!

No problem! I totally understand that sometimes life gets in the way. I just ask that you give at least 48 hours notice so that your session time can be made available to other people. 

Just yourself and any props you feel might be relevant to your shoot. If you're a product based business please bring along some of your products so we can get beautiful photos of that too. We'll have a good chat beforehand to make sure you have everything you need before the shoot.

When you get in touch, don’t hold back. Tell me everything you want capturing, we'll make your business shine.

Your photographs and your story are important to me…

Your business is important to me.

I like getting to know what you do, why you do it and what makes you great at it. Let's make some amazing photographs together.